The reality of tendering is unruly. Every buyer has different selection criteria. In order to deal with this complexity we provide professional training in the field of writing, tendermanagement and vision development. Our sessions are creative, a tad bit different and always tailor-made to your organization’s needs.

Would you like to optimally prepare your organization for a specific tender? We provide extensive training sessions on writing, tendermanagement and vision development. These training sessions allow you to get the most out of your organization, paving the road to your next win.

What can you expect? You will learn how to analyze the procurement policy of the contracting party and how to adjust your bid-offer to leave a professional impression. Additionally, you will learn how to distill opportunities from the tender documents, allowing you to get more out of your organization and thereby increasing your chances of winning substantially.

The training is meant for every entrepreneur, commercial employee and tender manager seeking to improve their tender trackrecord.

Do you have questions regarding the training? Do not hesitate to contact us! 

Tenderbirds supports bussinesses with no previous tender experience, businesses which aspire to tender more often, want to improve or which have to make heavy strategic choices. We help companies align their offerings more closely to the demands of the contracting party and support businesses in achieving true differentation from their competitors.

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